Culinary Trips

We offer guided tours in local cuisine

Vienna Schnitzel 



Iconic Delights:

No Viennese food journey is complete without the legendary Wiener Schnitzel. This thin, breaded veal cutlet, pan-fried to golden perfection, is a national treasure. Pair it with a classic Erdäpfelsalat (potato salad) for a truly satisfying experience.

Beyond the Schnitzel:

For a taste of Viennese comfort, delve into a steaming bowl of Tafelspitz and Goulash. This dish features tender cuts of beef or veal boiled in a flavorful broth and served with root vegetables and creamy horseradish sauce.

A Feast for the Senses:

Viennese food is more than just sustenance; it's an experience for all senses. Savor the aroma of freshly baked bread, delight in the visual presentation of a perfectly constructed dish, and appreciate the rich textures and flavors that come together in each bite.

Embrace the Viennese tradition of gathering with loved ones over a shared meal. Let Vienna's culinary heritage take you on a delicious adventure that will leave you wanting more.

Where Coffee Culture Meets Timeless Charm

Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Viennese life, where lingering over a cup of coffee is an art form. Step into a traditional coffee house, a grand space with marble tables and plush seating, and take a journey back in time.
Vienna beckons. Come, experience the magic of coffee culture, where every sip and bite tells a story.

Vienna's coffee culture boasts a rich past, dating back to the 17th century. Coffee houses became a social hub, a place for intellectual discussions, artistic musings, and simply savoring the moment. This tradition lives on today, where a cup of coffee is more than just a beverage; it's an invitation to slow down, connect, and soak in the atmosphere.